• The Father & Son Legacy •

Earl Brooks

& Earl brooks jr.

◦ Style ◦ Charisma ◦ Accuracy ◦ Speed ◦ Passion


Meet the dynamic father and son duo from the beautiful Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Tobago. This talented pair is renowned for their skillful mastery of the steel drums, a traditional musical instrument of Trinidad and Tobago. Originally known as “Pan”, this instrument has become a symbol of Caribbean expression. It is a percussive harmonic instrument made from a 55-gallon oil barrel that has been pounded and shaped to produce distinct notes. The duo’s unique blend of rhythmic beats and harmonious melodies is sure to captivate audiences of all ages and cultures. With decades of experience performing together and independently both local and internationally this duo has been ambassadors of the culture and their infectious energy, passion and mastery of the instrument will continue to inspire and delight fans around the world.

BrooksMuzik as the duo is now formally known as, is a representation of culture, class & their music blends traditional Caribbean rhythms and melodies with modern influences like Jazz, Soul and classical, creating a dynamic and innovative sound that has won them fans around the world. Their performances are a true celebration of Caribbean culture.

Hailing from a rich musical heritage, this duo brings together traditional Caribbean rhythms with contemporary sounds to create a unique musical experience that is both soulful and infectious. Together as Brooksmuzik Steel Pan Legacy they have been able to create a loyal fan base that spans across generations. In Feb 2020, Brooks Arts Academy was formed to educate and assist in keeping a distinctive style alive for generations to come.

Earl Brooks Jr. Performs in Dubai

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